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Metaphysical and Healing Lore
Kernite is one of the Boraxes and is very high on the list of the best "Scrubbers", toxin removers. Once clean, you have the sensation of floating away, like having a ton of karma lifted off your shoulders. Kernite kills cancer cells.
Kernite helps the Kundalini to pass through the Crown Chakra and go back down to the Base Charkra. Kernite's energy allows you to connect with ancient civilizations and Masters. Kernite can also connect you to the future, giving you probabilities rather than givens. This crystal cleanses all of the Chakras and all of the layers of the Aura. It works especially well on the Crown Chakra.
Kernite brings business success in the sense of prosperity and other positive ways. This crystal helps you bring justice where needed. You will be given the wisdom to settle conflicts for you and/or those around you. It brings awareness to you--allowing your Conscious Self to easily get in touch with your Higher Self. Kernite can be very useful in the preparation of documents. It allows you to start and finish them in a speedy concise manner.
Blackmoon-Vagabond hat geschrieben:Mir fehlt da die Quellenangabe! Copyright und so - mal wieder...
LOVE IS IN THE EARTH: The Crystal & Mineral Encyclopedia--The LIITE Fantastic, The Last Testament
by Melody and Julianne Guilbault (Jan 1, 2008)
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